Great Lenten Lecture Series Slated to begin March 1 – Keynote is March 15
6/2/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Beginning March 1 we will have a lecture each Sunday of Great Lent as is our usual practice at St. Vladimir's. The weekly lecture will take place during our weekly meal on these Sundays. The schedule is shaping up nicely and all details will be released very soon. For now, please plan to join us for this year's Great Lenten Lecture Series. You may also want to take note of a small addition to the service schedule this year. On March 1, 15, and 29 we will serve the beautiful Sunday Great Vespers after the scheduled lecture. At this service we transition from the weekend paradigm to the weekday paradigm of Great Lent, including the changing of the color of the church from purple to black (as you may recall is done each year at Forgiveness Vespers). Please join us!
LATE BREAKING NEWS! Dr. Roy (Andronik) Robson has confirmed that he will be with us to give the keynote lecture on March 15! Dr. Robson's area of expertise is Slavic Studies, specifically Russian Orthodox Old Belief, and he has written several books on this subject, including one on the monastery of Solovki as a refuge for Old Believers following Patriarch Nikon's reforms. Dr. Robson is an Old Believer himself and grew up in the Nativity of Christ parish in Erie, PA. He was the second reader on Fr. Gregory's doctoral dissertation. You will not want to miss this lecture!
See more on Dr. Robson here: