Going to the Jordan – January 19
14/1/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
It is an ancient practice of the Holy Church to perform the Great Blessing of the Waters twice yearly: on the Eve of Theophany and on the feast of Theophany itself. Last year we were blessed with nice cold weather, and that allowed us to go to the spring south of our parish which our neighbors very kindly allowed us to access via their land. The weather this year, unfortunately, is not slated to cooperate quite so much. It will simply be too warm on Theophany (the prediction at this point is for 40 degrees) and the way to the spring will be much too swampy and muddy to practically get there. This is unfortunate, but we must humble ourselves and understand that sometimes we have to adjust based on factors beyond our control. And so we will adjust! There will be a procession to “the Jordan” on Monday, January 19 following the Divine Liturgy. This year, however, “the Jordan” is going to have to be on our own property. But, we do have a blessing this year in that January 19 is a civil holiday (Martin Luther King Day) and thus most of our children and many of our adults have a free day – we look forward to seeing you all at the feast! Please dress appropriately for an outside water blessing, since even 40 degrees is hardly warm. Congratulations to all with the upcoming feast!