Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Live Stream of Divine Liturgy 
5/6/16, 10:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please join us for a live broadcast of today's Divine Liturgy beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the following link:


If you have any trouble with the live stream please visit this link:

http://soundoftheparish.blogspot.com/p/ ... dimir.html

If the information at that link does not help please email info@stvladimiraami.org and we will assist you as soon as possible (but after the Divine Service).

Please remember - the stream only broadcasts live services. If you would like to listen to previously recorded and edited services please visit our sound blog:

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This Week's "The Good News" 
5/6/16, 08:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please find this week's issue of "The Good News" at the link below. This bulletin/handout contains the Troparia and Kontakia that will be sung by the choir at today's Divine Liturgy as well as the readings from the Epistle and Gospel readings of the day - all in both English and Russian. This little bulletin is distributed to visitors and others who may find it useful by our parish Greeters on duty today at St. Vladimir's. We cordially invite you to join us at St. Vladimir's for Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m. - or any Sunday soon. You are always welcome at St. Vladimir's!

This Sunday's "The Good News":

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Weekly Parish Prayer List Posted  
5/6/16, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please keep our parishioners, friends, and those who have asked us in our unworthiness to pray for them in your prayers this coming week. Our parish prayer list can be found here:

http://www.stvladimiraami.org/SundayRea ... erlist.pdf

PLEASE NOTE! We have removed those from the list that we believe no longer should be present there. If you requested that someone be included in this list please review it carefully to make sure we have not removed someone erroneously. If we have, please contact Fr. Gregory to have your loved one again added to the list.
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Several Ways to Help your Parish 
3/6/16, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Did you know that some (in fact many) companies offer matching funds for donations made to non-profit organizations such as our parish? To find out more please contact your Human Resources department at you place of employment. Did you know that if you donate your used car to Charity Motors you can direct that the proceeds from the sale of the car go to our own St. Vladimir parish? You can find out more at their web site:

http://www.charitymotors.org Please consider these options to support your parish!
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Greeter Ministry - WE NEED YOU! 
2/6/16, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Our Greeter Ministry aims to welcome existing parish members and visitors as they enter St. Vladimir and assist them in any way possible. In order to do that effectively we need to have team of about 8 people that volunteer in groups of two to be greeters each Sunday morning. What does it mean to be a greeter? A greeter will be a friendly person available to answer questions, guide people to the available pamphlets about the church and Orthodoxy, provide them with informational bulletin, invite them to stay for the meal after Liturgy and make polite conversation with them during the meal if they chose to stay. The greeter is the person that the visitors knows is there to help. Please join us! Contact Addie or Nathan today to participate in this important ministry of welcoming new comers to the parish!
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Flowers for Pentecost 
2/6/16, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
St. Vladimir Parish Family members who would like to donate flowers for the feast of Pentecost are asked to stop in the kiosk or contact Yelena Mullin (email info@stvladimiraami.org) to make your donation. Please be sure to provide the names of your loved ones both living and departed to be commemorated at the services Pentecost when you make your donation. Thank you kindly for your generosity!
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All English Cycle of Services is this Friday/Saturday 
1/6/16, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Our parish practice is to serve one cycle of Divine Services per month (Friday Evening Services and Saturday Divine Liturgy) completely in English. This is a missionary effort designed to allow those who are interested in Orthodox Christianity to more easily access the beauty of the Divine Services – the “theology in action” of the Holy Church. However, ALL ARE WELCOME at these services! Please invite friends and loved ones! Let us work together to no longer allow Orthodox Christianity to be the best kept secret in the spiritual life of North America! Please join us!
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Last Paschal Services of the Year are June 7 & 8 
31/5/16, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please join us for the final Paschal services of the year at St. Vladimir’s. On Tuesday, June 7 we will serve Paschal Vespers and Matins beginning at 6:00 p.m. And on Wednesday, June 8 we will serve the Paschal Divine Liturgy at 8:00 a.m. The next evening we are already celebrating the vigil for Ascension and our Paschal celebration will have ended. Don’t miss this last chance to prayerfully participate in the special Paschal Divine Services!
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Communing the Sick, Blessing Homes, Spiritual Support - Please Reach Out! 
30/5/16, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Fr. Gregory is available to bring Holy Communion to the sick, bless homes and apartments (or dorm rooms), or to provide spiritual support to any and all of our parish family whenever there is a need. Please do not hesitate to contact him! Too often those in need suffer in silence because they do not want to “bother” the priest. Fr. Gregory is here to serve our parish family – just as Christ came to minister so too is this the calling of the parish priest. You can reach Fr. Gregory by phone or SMS at 734-649-5746 or via email at ogrisha@stvladimiraami.org. Rest assured – he looks forward to hearing from you any time – whether you have a specific need or even if you just need to talk – please contact him!
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Memorial Day 
30/5/16, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Today in America we celebrate Memorial Day. This civil holiday was first called Decoration Day and was connected with the decoration of the graves of Civil War soldiers and others who died in that most destructive of American wars. In 1971 this unofficial holiday became law in the United States. Today is the third day of a three-day weekend in America. Such weekends are always welcome. But let us not forget WHY we have this holiday – remembrance of our veterans and decoration of their graves. We ask each of our parish family today to take a minute and reflect on the sacrifice of others that allows us to live the life we live today. Many died in hope of a better future – and for them we are that future. Let us pray for them – that the Lord will have mercy on them – and let us live righteous lives in service to others, remembering the example of those who came before us and their honorable sacrifice on our behalf. May the Lord grant them a place in His Heavenly Kingdom!
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