Souper Bowl is this Sunday! 
7/2/22, 06:00 PM

This Sunday the America's biggest sporting event will be held in Los Angels, California. This championship of the National Football League is called the "Super Bowl". At St. Vladimir's that morning we will hold our annual "Souper Bowl". Given that approximately $15 billion will be spent on this one day in drinks, snacks, and meals - that comes out to about $81 per every American man, woman, and child - we are asking everyone to find $8.10 donate to our Souper Bowl efforts. If every St. Vladimirian adult member can do this we'll raise over $1200 to fight hunger in our community! And we'll have the opportunity to accept non-perishable food items that day too and we strongly request that you support this part of our effort too. Please help as you can!

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