Halloween Alternative this Saturday – Vigil (and every week thereafter forever) 
27/10/15, 06:00 PM
Each year we provide an alternative for our families that do not wish to participate in the pagan inspired Halloween festivities. This year the alternative will be quite straight forward since Halloween falls on a Saturday. It is the expectation of the Holy Church that all her children will, as a rule, be present at the Divine Services on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. With Halloween falling on a Saturday this year our alternative will be just that: we invite everyone to be present at the Vigil on Saturday night beginning at 6:00 p.m. (and for school age kids Church School which begins at 5:00 p.m.) with the sincere hope that by participating in this beautiful service it will “stick” and become a part of your family's weekly schedule.

Is it easy to come to Vigil every Saturday? Of course not! Nothing worth doing is easy – especially in the spiritual life. But if we keep this service a secret then how would you ever know that it is an expectation that you be present? And how would you know that attending the evening services before partaking of Holy Communion is one of the most important ways that you prepare to partake Holy Communion? Those with young children are asked this Saturday – and every Saturday – to stay at the Vigil until the veneration of the Holy Gospel and the anointment with Holy Oil early in Matins (until about 7:30 p.m. or so). Please note: if you have a set bedtime for your children that would cause you to leave before that please be aware that it is much more important for you to stay at Vigil until at least this point in the service than it is for the children to be put into bed at a set time. Staying up a little late on Saturday to serve and glorify God sends a great message to the kids about what is more important and what is less important in life. Each parent has to make the best decision for their children, but it is good to challenge ourselves spiritually if we hope to allow ourselves to grow spiritually. And it is good to show children that the spiritual life comes before personal comfort.

See you Saturday for our Halloween alternative!

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