Please Help us Update our Database! 
7/7/15, 06:00 AM
Approximately quarterly we ask you to help us keep our database updated by sending us information on your or your family that may have changed: new address, new cell phone, new email, etc. This is very, very helpful for us since there are times – rare though they are – that we may really need to get a hold of you. And although we do not send too much out via post anymore (since the overwhelming decision in the parish was to use email rather than post as a rule – unless someone specifically asks to receive information via post), it is still good to have your postal address since we MUST send out the annual meeting announcement and we generally use that mailing to send out the annual calendar too. And that mailing is coming up soon! Help us save money as a parish by having your correct contact information and assure that if there is an emergency we can get in contact with you quickly and easily. Send updates to or 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130 or visit the link below. Thank you for your assistance!

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