Making School Kits June 6 - TOMORROW!!! 
5/6/15, 06:00 AM
Please join us on June 6, 2015 for our next IOCC parish effort. On this day at 3:00 p.m. we will make school kits according to the International Orthodox Christian Charity's guidelines. It is important to understand that there are many countries in the world that DO NOT have free education for their children. Many times children cannot attend school because their family cannot afford the tuition, or more often than not, the children do not have the requisite school supplies. The IOCC school kits provide the supplies that allow children to be educated. Join us - help others! A collection to support this effort will be taken up at the kissing of the cross on Sunday, May 31. To help support this effort or to volunteer please see our IOCC Coordinator, Marina Edwards. Parents are strongly encouraged to bring their children for this event!

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